Brain Booster: National Peace Consciousness Month

September 23, 2023

Embracing the first core value of PEARLS: PEACE.

In celebration of National Peace Consciousness Month, our PEARLS scholars crafted doves, symbolizing our commitment to fostering peace within our homes, communities, and nation.Meet Angel and Thalie, two of our talented Brain Booster members, who not only showcased their beautiful doves but also shared their thoughts on achieving peace – through mutual respect, love, and support.A big thanks to all our dedicated volunteers who joined us for this session!

Join us in our mission to empower our communities through the Brain Booster Program. For more information, please email us at [email protected].


Project PEARLS is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with the State of California with a Federal Tax Id: 27-2624202.

Project PEARLS is a non-stock, non-profit and non-partisan organization registered under the laws of the Republic of the Philippines with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on June 6, 2011 with Company Registration Number: CN201109816 and Company Tax Identification Number: 008-060-835-000